Thursday, August 10, 2006


Do you still remember my previous post about "What is your Favavourite TLA "Three Letter Abbreviation?" We've choosen our favourite and the most popular TLA, i.e. OTW OnTheWay; BTW ByTheWay; OMG OhMyGod, PDA PleaseDehAh; ILU ILuvYou, TTM, GTG, LOL and other familiar TLA; coz it's real abbreviation and off-course we know what they stand for; like SUV, MPV, APV, MTV, FBI,WHO, ILO etc. etc.
Well, now lets share about our fav FLA "Four Letter Abbreviation"?? I'll challenge you with another FLA "Five Letter Abbreviation" next time.. Be ready..
The most favourite FLA for me and ibu ini juga ibu ini especially at lunch time is : "mBDG" Right Jeng?? Udah.. ndak usah malu2 toh.. Wong memang itu toh fav kitah.. :P Inilah sapaan menjelang jam 12 siang, yg mustinya direkam saja, trus tinggal puter deh.. Wong tiap hari pertanyaannya sama.. Haloooo... enaknya mBDG opo yo?? he..he... Kayaknya udah lama ngga makan "SGPC"..
Now think of Four Letter Abbreviation whatever.. Tell me what is your favourite F.L.A..
IMHO In My Humble Opinion, Ini Mah Hanya Opini
UUgggh.. TTGH Time To Go Home.. HANW Have a NiceWeekend..

Rara Vebles blog @ 8:54 PM


At 6:54 AM, Blogger Hedi said...

urusan singkat menyingkat gini emang punyanya abd dan kaum hawa hehehe
KDG...kasihan deh gue :p

At 4:04 AM, Blogger Sisca said...

E2S2 = emang enak singkat singkat.

At 5:38 AM, Blogger L. Pralangga said...

Hm.. this is interesting indeed...kadang kalau terima sms yang di singkat2 ini -s ayah mah mbalesnya ---> kenapa sih kok disingkat2 gini.. ngetiknya pake sarung tinju yah? :D

At 7:23 PM, Blogger Nunik said...

Kalo kata disingkat2 emang serba ngirit yak mbak.. ngirit ngomong, ngirit space kalo lg ngetik SMS :D.. dan kayaknya orang Ind itu jago deh soal singkat menyingkat.. hehehhe

At 11:44 PM, Blogger blanthik_ayu said...

lu kok nggak masukin yg ini sih ra gw terusin kepanjangannya nggak :p

At 1:08 AM, Blogger unai said...

hahaha...emang asik nyingkat nyingkat, biar jempolnya gak kapalan heeh tp kalo yang gak umum bisa gak ngerti artinya

At 12:11 AM, Blogger uTHe said...

yang lagi trendy CLBK...
bisa Cinta Lama Bersemi Kembali atauuu CiLukBaaaaK... heuheuheu...

tapi paling sebel dapet undangan yang ada inisial BYOF alias Bring Your Own Food... huhuhu... ngundang harusnya kan nyediain..*huehuehuehue...*

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