Saturday, January 13, 2007


Pete alias petai alias putui… I believe most of you know well about the truly ‘delisioso’ ‘mafioso’ damn petai.. Yes.. it is something refreshing, cool.. I call it 'mentos hijau'. hi,hi,..

While ‘para selebloger’ tending to post and to report about the ‘seru2an’ of the last ‘temu bocah’ eh ‘temu selebloger’ which took place at the residence of Tuan, Sir Lord of Mbilung, I’d rather like to post about something that at the first time I came to the house catched my eyes.. It was something ‘beautiful’ laid on the garage floor. Then.. when I enter into the dining room.. OMG.. that thing was smiling at me.. they are so damn beautiful.. Oh Lord (Sir and Madame Mbilung). how could you be so understand me.. Putui2 itu sudah tergolek manis disajikan di meja makan berdekatan sama sambel trasi.. ngawe-awe. Tapi saya sok jaim dan tak menyentuh para putui itu, saya memilih bakso panas, secara saya suka yang panas-panas. :D* Makasih ya Ghil, Mas Adri udah sibuk manasin bakso, kompor pake acara nyangkut lagi ya..* Kenapa saya jaim?? You know lah.. pete gitu loh.. Haahhhhhh!! hhmmm.. smells good..!! Tpi, dibalik ke-jaim-an saya, saya sudah spik2 sama Nyonyah, ssstttt, ntar aku bawa pulang ya.. *malu tau.. eh malu2in*

Well... talking about PETE.. alias PETAI, alias PUTUI.. Meskipun putui can cause body odour, bad breath and foul-smelling urine.. it is traditionally believed that putui could cleanse the urinary system, promote healthy kidney function and counter diabetes. The inside of putui skin in used to reduce swelling and itchiness from mosquito bites.

Once, I got an email from a friend, it said that recent studies show that putui contains tryptophan that is converted to serotonin in the body which, in turn, regulates emotion, behaviour and generally makes one feel happier *this is the time for me to share with you the secret of my cheerfulness and my happiness.. yes, peteeee!!* hi hi.. ngga percaya kan?? :D Besides, its nutritional content, vitamin B6, iron, potassium and fibre reduces premenstrual syndrome effects and morning sickness, stimulates blood haemoglobin production for anaemia and improves brain-power and relieves constipation. *for the case of improving brain-power, I feel there is no improvement with my brain-power. Maybe I will take 'gibolan' to elevate my brain-power instead of expecting too much from putui. *ups.. not that really bad*

Well.. are you a pete lover?? So, what are you waiting for.. come go find pete .. *yang benci pete silakan ber-HWEEKKK ria*. I suggest you to come down to ‘Pandan Valey’.. Sir Lord will certainly very glad to ‘mbunteli’ anda sekalian dengan pete-pete yang indah nan cantik menawan.. Beliau punya kebunnya lho.. Iya kan Mister.. eh Sir.. :D

Rara Vebles blog @ 6:30 PM


At 12:48 AM, Blogger -ian- said...

bisakah anda memasak pete tanpa membuat segalanya bau?

At 4:58 AM, Blogger diracov said...

oalaaaahh... putui iku pete toh? kirain makanan apaan ? oon deh aku :p

At 6:06 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Saya tidak suka pete... :)

At 12:21 PM, Blogger Innuendo said...

i love pete hehhehe...dibakar, direbus trus dicolek sama sambel. tapi, my mom suka gak ngasi makan pete. bauknya kemana mana,ktnya. so, dulu aku selalu makan pete diluar rumah

At 1:34 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

ada cara gampang biar setelah makan petai baunya ngga menyengat lagi. makanlah beras mentah setengah genggam atau permen mint. dijamin aroma petai langsung hilang. saya juga penggemar petai dan jengkol, bisa dipercaya. silahkan dicoba.

At 6:18 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

Bun, gw tau cara ngilangin bau pete,..abis makan pete makan jengkol,...dijamin dah ilang tuh bau pete,..ganti ma bau jengkol siyyy

At 12:43 AM, Blogger Rara Vebles said...

@ to all..

Siapa yang mau berbaik hati ngirimin aku pete.. :D


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