Wednesday, April 26, 2006
I believe you have the same list with me for the most popular TLA nowdays; let say:
OTW On The Way
BTW By The Way
OMG Oh My God (Paketnya Aming plus PDA)
PDA Please Deh Ah
Ada lagi favoritnya para YM-er, para YM mania:
OL(D) On Line (Dong) -> maksa
GTG Got To Go
GLT Got To Leave (ngarang..)
Nothing special with these TLA like SUV, MPV, APV, MTV, FBI, IRS, WHO,ILO dll.dll. It sounds so popular and familiar, tapi bukan bahasa gaul kali ya.. Cause, it's real abbreviation, isn't it??
I don't know what TNT stands for, but as three letter abbreviation, it is pure dynamite.
What about my favourite movie "JFK", would you call JFK an abbreviation or initial??
One thing for sure, McD is a great choice when I'm hungry. He..he..
Na.., kalo Indonesia punya, ngga jauh dari:
TTM Tau Temua Mua
EGP (Katanya udah basi, it's being transformed to EGE; Emang Gue EGP... he..he..)
YGD Ya.. Gitu Deh
YIL Ya.. Iya Lah (Wajib pake ekspresi Aming..)
YSL Ya.. Sudah Lah
Well, now think of Three Letter whatevers, then put it together with my list.. Hayoo.. sapa yang punya../
Please do not ever think of the WTF (What The Fuck), WOJ (What-an Old Jerk), GTH (Go To Hell) and any TLAs related with that. Na, barusan.. Kan contooh..
Bonjour Rara
thank's dah mampir
ada lagi nih Ra...
LOL (laugh Over load) ketawa ngakak hahaha
EGP ( entar Gwa Pikirin)
SGPC (sego Pecel= Nasi pecel) nyambung ga seh ...huahaha...
RGL: Rara Gitu Lochh =ekspresi manyun huehuehue...
Bonjour.. thanks ya udah mampir jg.. Heu..heu.. Kalo EGP-ku lebih parah (Emang Gw Pikirin... ngga pake ntar2). Na, kalo SGPC di Kediri juga sama tuh istilahnya.. Let's put it in FLA.. Mercy ya..
why you didn't put MDG in your list.....hihihi
Do u mean mBDG?? Eits..itu TLA jangan sampe beredar, cukup dipake sm komunitas kita aja.. Yuuk, yuuk.. mBDG..
GImana dengan
IIK - Ih Iman Keren
SAT? = Sarapan Apa Tadi?
PBAL = Paling Bubur Ayam Lagi
EN?! = Emang Nendang?!
TNT = Trinitrotoluene
OMG = Oh my GOD
IMHO = In My Humble Opinion
IMHO = Ini Mah Hanya Opini
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